
Our dedicated Physiotherapists have a broad, in-depth knowledge and experience in the assessment and treatment of multiple conditions. We have an extensive range of evidence based clinical techniques to help you overcome your problem. We aim to provide you with quality Physiotherapy that is individually tailored to your unique requirements. We understand that everybody is different, and that your problem may not extend from just one area. We pride ourselves at looking and managing the 'complete picture' and giving you the appropriate tools to help maintain your new improved fitness and mobility, relief of pain, and prevent re-occurrence.

Work Station / Site assessment

Many people will spend eight hours or more every day at their works station, in many ways  stressing their body far more than does an elite athlete. Getting the work station and how they work right can control many sources of pain and discomfort and prevent many injuries.

Posture Education

A correct posture and all that goes with it, strengthening and stretching can make a big difference in management of your pain and general health.


Exercise and stretching in water can assist with managing pain and improve your balance and overall confidence. The water supports you and decreases weight and force as you exercise and move. Excellent for many
conditions especially arthritis.


By using a range of exercises physiotherapy can bring a quick resolution to many balance and vertigo problems.


Can assist in the management of a variety of injuries and conditions by providing compression support and re-education of correct movement patterns.

Ergonomic / Worksite Assessments

Ensure that how you move and are positioned at work does not create or aggravate any physical conditions. Being at work for forty hours a week can be harder than performing many elite sports and therefore getting it right is most important.

Rehabilitation Physiotherapy

Rehabilitation physiotherapy uses exercise and strengthening to get you get back your full strength and range of movement ensuring that your return to full functions occurs as soon as is possible.

More Information

For more information on our service offerings, please feel free to phone our office.

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Physio in practice